Academic Education and Social Low Performance

Private Liberal Education and Subcapitalist Conformist Knowledge and Ideology

Young people the world over invest in their education with the belief that it will lead them to better jobs and greater opportunities. But in the Middle East and North Africa region, education has become a source of widespread frustration because it is not delivering the skills young people need in today’s world. Rather than leading to meaningful jobs and greater well-being, a university degree in the Middle East is now more likely to lead to a dead end of unemployment.

Solving this problem will require a bold and multifaceted approach, in which technology and new methods are embraced to teach the skills the economy needs (Read more on this at the end of this article)

Morocco Educational Wreck on the Rocks of the French Tourbillon of Liberalism

In Morocco, the private elite education system continued to remain Americanized and Europeanized while the hiring and operating structure of the companies remains predominantly French, thus creating a gap between training and professional integration.

There is, therefore, the making of graduates by English-speaking private universities who find jobs only in Call Centers given their practice of English. This kind of employment has no connection with the studies program followed by the students.

The conclusions of this essay here, therefore, remain of current relevance as a nervous datum for Morocco that the Moroccan authorities who have engulfed our Economy in outrageous Liberalism and even want to bury the education system in “Anglophonie Privée.”

Depressed Privatization of the Educational Flagships

Education Coined by Contradictory and Paradoxical Dialectique of Conflict of Interests

Amalgame de Position:
Minister of Industry, Trade, Investment and Digital Economy is the Owner and Former CEO of an Insurance and Financial Enterprise

The Educational System in its totality remained abused by the proponents of the Moroccan economy who are at the same time the political leaders deciding not only the economic evolution of the country but the destiny of the formation of the elites while insulating a systematic deviation and deliberate confusion among the young students projecting their future in the acquisition of a fictitious knowledge as a leverage for social progression and professional advancement.

Such deceiving results can be heard in the statement made by Mr. Moulay Hafid El Alamy, who is the Minister of Industry, Trade, Investment and Digital Economy since the cabinet of the former Prime Minister designated as Benkirane II in Morocco. Mr. Moulay Hafid El Alamy, who was also the president of the Saham, a group of insurance, credit and omni-servicists conglomerate, while he was also the boss of Moroccan bosses at the Confédération générale des entreprises du Maroc.

Logo de l’association

Mr. Moulay Hafid El Alamy in a trenchant speech with Plain French Language in an official event organized in Casablanca and in front of the “la creme de la creme” of the media brass, he declared the following:

“Morocco must abandon the French model to overcome its crisis …” adding that: “It is time for us in Morocco, to break definitively with the French model, if the we really want to overcome the economic crisis we are attacking and to develop our country …. I invite the government to separate from the French model that has failed, which kills entrepreneurship and promotes bureaucracy, bureaucracy and underdevelopment. ” [,,,] “The French model is bankrupt, the economic crisis has ended France, …. Morocco, because not fully connected to the world economy, has managed to reduce the effects of this crisis on him, this is an opportunity for us to revive our economy, opting for full support for our SMEs / SMIs and framing them and encouraging them, especially towards more export capacities, “
Declaration made by Mr. Alami, one of the local leaders of the US SME support program, Endeavor Global.

Mr. Moulay Hafid Alami is the founder and one of the president of the Saham group, an insurance and financial organization that among other things offer facilities of credit and insurance, two major factual elements needed by the Moroccan buyers of the Cars assembled in Morocco by Renault-Nissan and Peugeot. Mr Alami still serving (12/112/2019) as Minister of Industry, Trade, Investment and Digital Economy who is by accident of the Moroccan History, is the one who is facilitating the attraction and installation of the French-speaking, based and originated Automotive and Automobile producers in Morocco, such in Tangier and Kenitra. Both of these car producers are using French as their daily internal language of communication and as vehicle of their logistics production.

Mr. Alami said during his speech that the only way out of the crisis is investment, solidarity and shared action public / private, adding that the crisis that has gradually settled in Morocco is there to last, and that it would take a lasting action, brave and ingenious to be able to reverse the effects of negative to positive.

“The secret to success is to strengthen the SME / SMI, which is the majority fabric of the national productive apparatus and the Endeavor program will have a great contribution at this level,” said El Alamy, Co-Chair of the Endeavor Founding Board. in Morocco. “* End quote – Source below

With such personalities Ghir Sidi or Moulay, so we have a remedy provided on a money plan by internationally renowned Experts, “a Real Great Endeavor” in itself, just to amass all this beautiful world in Casablanca.

Therefore, we observe that it is a double therapy at first glance offered to us by this panel of experts and which contains within itself and vehicle a globalizing ideology with a double side effect namely that education while remains the key to individual success is nevertheless in this case, it is not only at the level of the Moroccan company, a vehicle of technological innovation and productive change but it is at the global level of the insertion in the global market and the new international division of technological and logistical work, education should adapt to the centers of creation of the highest added values ​​found in today’s world and which today are conceived, manufactured and distributed through the anglophone vector.

This implies that France is no longer the partner to attract to invest in Morocco. In fact, the essential point is not in the choice of international or other partners but in what I will formulate later below.

For this reason, I allow myself to respond to the statement of Mr. Hafid El Alamy by the following metaphors that are timely and remain relevant as the next elections in October 2016:

With all due respect to your rank, I point out that language is only a vehicle, it is what this vehicle carries, the origin of this vehicle, the destination of the vehicle, the added value.

The example of the Japanese and Chinese, more recently and other past civilizations show that it is the other underdeveloped economic entities that are learning the language of the radiant country of civilization.

In wanting to substitute one language for another, it is only to change bottle, Label and keep the same liquid in it.

It is the extreme liberal political choices that plunge us into the abyss of urban violence, the increase in domestic and external debt, the current account deficits, the deficits of the balance of trade, the pollutions of our cities and the bankruptcy of all these bogus free-trade deals, the expansion of mafia corruption real estate, administrative, the outbreak of social and regional disparities, the bursting of the educational system and matrimonial and family structures, development from debauchery, prostitution and the informal sector (Feracha and Potential Heraga and the Bands with knives and swords) and drug circulation patronized by occult powers and more.

Will the change of language remedy all this?

The French Parents can thank the Public Schools given the fact that in comparison to other listed countries in this diagram, in average France spend less on education of their children

Image result for cost of education in the United States

Reality of American Education, Student Debt and Labor Market Manager

As we can see, these official slippages remain novice in their actions as in their ends since they are undertaken under the effect of the external brilliance and without deep knowledge of the real and functional impacts characterizing advanced societies or the combination of Liberalism. Economic and Privatized Education is meant to be and provide the cure for economic, cultural and financial crises and depressions.

In fact, this combination remains the first and ultimate cause of all their ills and abuses of financial resources including in the education sector and its transformation into merchandise sold on credit and discount without any guarantee or facilities for refund or exchange in case where the final product does not possess the qualities claimed and sung on the academic roofs by the seller who is here the private universities. Often and especially in times of crisis, the expectations and expectations of the buyers here the Students (es) are ultimately aggrieved (es) saw that the job promised remains a chimera to hang on the wall in a golden frame.

The other side effect, but one that makes the pain last longer, is the after-sales service, which is the emergence of a persistent headache that is the colossal stubborn debt that was used to finance these expensive studies. elitist. We buy elite status and not practical knowledge or wise, efficient and positively productive knowledge working for the real development of human and national capacities.

In this context, the fear of repaying debts incurred to pay for studies will be a shadow on their “already tarnished career” and a spectrum of shadows on their attempts to get into the job market through the door of employment who sees the partitioning of repetitive crises, it is no longer a door or a window of opportunity but a large gate is closed to any attempt on their part to position themselves competitively in a saturated and rusty environment by the continuation and repetition of sectoral crises and innovation-deficient adjustment policies that are disastrous in their side-effects, thus perpetuating a dramatization of their local and global social consequences.

Harvard, Yale Accused Of Failing To Report Hundreds Of Millions In Foreign Donations

February 13, 2020 • The Ivy League schools have been singled out in a federal crackdown on institutions of higher learning for allegedly not reporting hundreds of millions of dollars in foreign donations.

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