India Disfigured: Emerging Economy and Miserable Caste Society

Said El Mansour Cherkaoui –October 15, 2019

  • Published on November 2, 2015
  • Introduction updated on October 15, 2019

Said El Mansour Cherkaoui, Ph.D.

The magic of the Poor Rabbit and the Nobel Prize for Economic Development of Wealth

As economists Amartya Sen and Jean Drèze put it in a famous quote, India is looking “more and more like islands of California in a sea of sub-Saharan Africa.”

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As a direct result of their research, more than 5 million Indian children have benefited from catch-up tutoring in schools, while many countries have introduced heavy subsidies for preventive health care, according to a statement from the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, which awards the prize.
Peter Fredrikkson, chairman of the Economics Prize Committee, told reporters that their work had tested the impact of specific interventions in areas such as agriculture, health and education.
The experimental approach has “redefined the development economy, had a clear impact on policies and improved our ability to fight global poverty,” he said.

Read more on this: Nobel Prize in economics awarded to trio for work on poverty. One is the youngest winner ever

[Very proud to see… ] Comment by Mr. David V Capodilupo • 1st Assistant Dean – Global Programs at MIT Sloan School of Management about the two professors of the Trio who was awarded the Nobel Prize in Economics and whose photo is shown here below.

So proud of what ?????

Proud of the millions of dollars received under the table with all these rewards which are the self-gratification of a global system based on and modeled on the extraction of surplus value from regions and nations characterized in particular by the dual existence of poverty and misery even at the level of individuals and families living in advanced economies.

Despite all these efforts, I do not see any change in poverty in the world and even here in Oakland, where the number of homeless people is growing faster than any progress made in scientific discovery, including in the areas of robotics and others that effectively relates to economic development such as the subjects on which these 3 Professors received the Nobel Prize .

Of course, what we are seeing is more undercapitalization and the growing subcapitalization of peripheral economies left to themselves given all these global and regional trade clashes, nationalist populism, protective liberalism and increasing youth despair. and families of what is known as illegal immigration crossing and drowning their dreams and hopes in the southern United States. the other ocean of sand and desert or the Mediterranean Sea that becomes the grave of the poor and desperate youth of North Africa and sub-Saharan Africa.

There are plenty of people who have worked on poverty reduction without being rewarded. I find it really sad that the world of finance and international affairs and those who want to present themselves as the conscience of the poor and miserable part of this world, all together exchanged between them and they exorbitant money, privileges, prestige and that on the back of poverty and the misery of many millions of individuals. The misfortune and misery of some makes the happiness and the wealth of the other. Poverty is exploited to make a name for itself in the world of the rich.

Science is a commodity like any other whose value remains in the hands and the heads of investors and research and development centers, none of which exists in Africa in the true sense of innovation, creativity and especially “the affordability “of products resulting from their corresponding laboratories and chain of operation analysis and application. This is even more true concerning the remedies of social ills peculiar to the countries of what was called the Third World and especially its most exposed population in terms of health and lack of financial means, not to mention the lack of knowledge of the existence of such products from research, the other obstacle remains the accessibility of or the recourse by the rich to hospitals and health centers in Europe and the United States and currently in China. African leaders are regular users of such media as well as other rich minorities that for the social elites.

Poverty and misery make it possible to maintain wages at the lowest social cost while allowing for the establishment and creation of “prison-factories” at open doors and other detention centers that are transparent in their use and attendance, making it possible to occupy a wide part of the population while extrapolating from them and from them a more valuable market and financial, facilitating by the and at the same time a profitable and profitable social control and ensuring a social peace for those who are the owners of the means of production.  

The justification and legitimization of the system of social differentiation and division of labor and the appropriation of property find all their reasons for being in such an ambivalent, paradoxical and unbalanced relationship, but of complementary capacity, all of which support both the the existence of direct reciprocity between wealth and poverty both in advanced capitalist society and in a subcapitalist economic structure such as Africa is now, hence the new immigration of foreign capital seeking to reverse the roles by limiting human immigration to the northern countries. 

The Indian Case, Economic Dynamism and Social Stagnation

The Caste System in Motion

India stands out as being the largest democracy by this world in the eyes of foreign investors and those who are customers of its offshore activities and industries. While in reality, the ruling class of India came from a feudal-style colonial regime, having sidelined the Khans and Maharajas through its consolidation by Britain and the British Private Companies of Commerce who in their entire history only wanted to exploit local wealth without affecting the structure of the country’s political and social domination.

While there’s disagreement over its origins, the caste system was formalized in a legal treatise called Manusmriti, dating from about 1,000 B.C. The text defined karma (work) and dharma (duty) for Hindus, who today represent 80% of India’s population. In it, society was divided into four strict hierarchical groups known as varnas: The Brahmins — priests and other intellectuals — at the top; then the Kshatriyas or warriors; then the Vaishyas or traders; and lastly the Shudras, those who did menial labor. The texts laid down laws on marriage, property and even food. For instance, if a Brahmin consumed food prepared by a Shudra, he’d be born a pig in his next life. The system has since evolved to include some 3,000 castes and 25,000 sub-castes. Over time, as social segregation and caste prejudice deepened, another layer of Shudras emerged at the base of the pyramid: Dalits, meaning “divided, split, broken, scattered” in classical Sanskrit. Not only were they barred from sharing food with or marrying people from higher castes, some couldn’t even brush the shadow of a Brahmin. They got their other name — “untouchables” — because their mere touch could supposedly defile. Not all of them are Hindu; Dalit Muslims, many descended from lower caste Hindus who converted to Islam in an effort to escape the repression of the caste system, continue to face prejudice from non-Dalit Hindus and Muslims, according to a 2016 study.Source: India’s Caste System

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Real and sustainable development can not be achieved without the social side. India is the perfect example of evil-sustainable development in its negation of the social and the carousel distributing the positions of strength and existing in the leading sphere maintains this rigidity and social immobility while promoting an extraction of technological elites to the world. image of technocracies emerging under dictatorial military regimes.

It is this “Great Bourgeoisie” formed at the technical schools set up by Nehru and at the level of business in training and university circles made by the British and later in the USA.  In fact, engineers were home-made, while business leaders made in the USA while politicians and administrators were made in Great Britain, while army supply was made in Moscow and France to reduce the the impact of the British in training military elites to better confront the regional challenges that could also be supported by British assistance.

In this overlapping politico-economic imbroglio and labyrinth for the benefit of the rulers and ruling castes in India, a regional dispute took over from the conflict of internal interests. The geo-political situation of India in relation to China, Afghanistan and especially Pakistan / Kashmir has given the opportunity to the diversity of the ruling classes to have a nationalist weld and reflexes of self-preservation. system of their domination and to legitimize their gains and privileges as natural rewards for their defenses of independence and the supreme interest of the Indian nation which in reality and in its vast majority remains torn apart, engulfed in miserable castes and disparate and at all levels of the expression of national belonging.

Official Figures in India: Social Misery and Extreme Tolerance of Social Poverty

The Indian planning commission has just redefine the poverty line in India. The poverty line is an important concept that determines the number of people living below the “Below Poverty Line” and therefore eligible to receive state aid.

“The Commission has just set this threshold at 32 rupees per day (per person) for urban populations and 26 rupees per day for rural populations. Which amounts to setting this threshold respectively at € 15 and € 12 per month! With this new threshold, the Commission calculated that there were 407 million Indians involved! This amounts to saying that for a family of 5, the threshold represents Rs 4824 or Rs 3905 (in rural areas) per month.

By setting the threshold at this level, the Commission estimates that a family of 5 can live in the city with Rs 4824 (around € 70) per month! It’s very low of course. But it gives an idea of ​​the reality of poverty in India. ”

Youth, Education and Harsh Realities in India

India still has about a quarter of the world’s extreme poor, and social inequalities in the country are not only rampant but rising. If current trends continue, India will be in danger of disintegrating into parallel societies with economic realities of elites in economic centers like Mumbai or Bangalore looking exceedingly different from those of the impoverished masses in underdeveloped states like Uttar Pradesh or Bihar.

Salam Mumbai: The Sun of tanned tourists and the Darkness of the Misery in Slums

The Skyline of Mumbai and a Village in Rural Bihar

In light of such problems, it remains very much an open question whether India can harness its youth dividend to achieve inclusive economic development, or if it will become overburdened by population growth. As of now, India struggles to educate and employ its growing population: More than 27 percent of the country’s youth are excluded from education, employment, or training, while the overwhelming majority of working Indians are employed in the informal sector, many of them in agriculture, often in precarious engagements lacking any form of job security or labor protections.

It has been estimated that India’s economy needs to create 10 million new jobs annually until 2030 to keep up with the growth of its working-age population—that’s more than 27,000 jobs each day for the next 12 years. While that’s not impossible—China reportedly created 13.14 million new jobs in its cities in 2016—it’s certainly a tremendous challenge. Between 2013 and 2016 India’s economy only generated an estimated 150,000 to 400,000 jobs each year. In one stark example of the dire labor market situation in present-day India, 2.3 million applicants applied for 368 open government positions in the state of Uttar Pradesh in 2015.

India’s higher education system, meanwhile, does not have the capacity to achieve enrollment ratios anywhere close to those of other middle-income economies. The country’s tertiary gross enrollment rate is growing fast, but remains more than 20 percentage points below that of China or Brazil, despite the creation of large numbers of higher education institutions (HEIs) in recent years.

This conflicting dichotomy of Indian society has forced those who hold power to transform democracy into an elective dynasty that is determined by those who are the first to take power and not to let it go.

These occupiers of power in India use the system of revolving and revolving door by which only the Sahibs and themselves later have access and especially can currently use the fallout of Indian Nationalism inherited from the Jawaharlal Nehru Dynasty and his descendants has through Indira Ghandi. Indeed, the succession almost orchestrated by a successive combination of the use of the revered name of Ghandi, by the rotation of the same family lineage and by the claim of a similar ideological belonging have all favored and helped the domination of the sphere of power of the Central Indian State.

This usurpation was doubled by a pseudo-liberal opening of the major sectors of the economy and an economic adaptation to new international data. The combination of these symbols in a country largely superstitious and fatalistic in its popular mass culture channeled the alternation of the same leaders while contributing directly since independence to the present day, to grant the same ruling caste to hold and to achieve the coup de force of diverting to its own profit and to its name the national achievements. It is not surprising to find in such a dualistic environment that even the airport of New Delhi bears the name of Indira Ghandi.

Emergence of Middle Class Leaders

A socio-institutional diversion has been exploited by the same ruling class since independence which allowed it to grant itself the faculty of creating or extending new social bases for itself and for any new central power and this without alter the immobility for the great majority of the social components of India. As a result, the power structure in India remains an association of ruling class interests with the aspirations of social and technocratic elites resulting from economic dirigisme and pervasive social obstruction even at the level of political and representative expression. .

Indeed, the leaders of India could thus shape the ruling class by selectively recruiting their own and direct social bases, particularly by promoting in this respect all the decisions and economic measures going in the imitation of the West at the level of the expansion of the middle classes and the consolidation of the appropriation of key sectors of the economy by the offspring of the same ruling political class.

India is the fifth richest country in the world, but home to up to 25 percent of the world’s poor. How is it possible? India’s rapid economic growth has allowed it to climb several positions in various global indices, but for most Indians, little has changed. Today, India is almost five times richer than it was 30 years ago, but not all Indians are five times richer than 30 years ago. How is it possible that this country is both rich and poor?

In such an ambivalent environment, economic progress remains despite their scientific and commercial achievements, they remain limited in their social achievements and remain deeply rooted and rooted in Mal-Sustainable Development.

In such a framework, any economic shock such as a crisis of even regional or sectoral scope can do irremediable damage to this model of emerging economy and can involve a series of drastic adjustments with a strong intervention of the State to the detriment of the private sector which is currently the carrier of economic growth.

In this perspective and as has happened to China, India, with its structural weaknesses and its social antagonisms, may be the next target under different premises and with different consequences but may internalize the same effects on its economy. still emerging in search of an international affirmation of trade and financial partnership.

Indeed, China continues today to fight against and confront a sudden and brutal stock market depression, financial uncertainties coupled with currency devaluations. thus causing a cooling of all outward-oriented economic activities.

In this, the fluctuations and the difficulty of having a continuous economic recovery in China may turn out to be India’s most disastrous for India given the long period of integration of the Indian economy into the system. Peripheral capitalist, his hesitation towards Western globalism and the adjacent social immobility that has characterized this country for centuries.

Finally, the low profile of Indian entrepreneurs and middle classes at international meetings is in fact their mark of prestige and is typical of the ruling classes in Asia especially in countries where a vassalage of the rest of society is theirs. subject. It is a behavior that wants to send the message that all individuals in their society have the same origin and there is nothing to claim sensational or arrogant. Similarly, they want to express that in India, differentiation is measured only in terms of social success acquired and not from predestination in premeditated social stratification.

Dr. Said El Mansour Cherkaoui, 


Dr. Said El Mansour Cherkaoui has also contributed to the rapprochement and collaboration between various companies, countries and academic entities. He had also organized business meetings and conferences, conducted negotiations, conducted professional training courses and taught courses. He has also developed and implemented new strategies for the integration and consolidation of companies in the international market. These commitments allowed Dr. Cherkaoui to meet and establish contacts with high-level representatives in France, Morocco, the United States of America, Central and South America, and the African countries of Africa. North and Sub-Saharan, Vietnam and China.

This work by Dr. Said EL Mansour Cherkaoui is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

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